The show must go on – the art of onsite

LCW is lucky enough to have a team of immensely experienced project directors and managers. Nazia Shah is a senior project director and has been with LCW for 2 years.

Nazia Shah, Senior Project Director with Steve Hough, Scientific Director for LCW

In Nazia’s own words, read her top recommendations for managing an onsite event…

I always say, 'Delivering an in-person event demands the same intensity and meticulous planning as any legendary West End performance.' It must not only match your clients' expectations and, of course, business objectives; you must also ensure that your audience is captivated by what they will see and hear. After all, we're here to provide a memorable and educational learning experience.

The art of onsite is one that we have experienced and mastered over the years. We know with all the planning in the world, matched by only good intentions, Murphy’s law prevails…..but the show must go on!

Here is my best advice for planning for every eventuality…

  • Speaker delays or an ‘unforeseen circumstance’ – ensure at least one other speaker in your armoury can cover the content. Have a back-up option readily in place to dial-in speakers remotely.
  • Travel disruptions – rejig the agenda, move the coffee break, and create a ‘networking’ opportunity (with your client’s approval of course!).
  • Equipment on the blink – improvise! Your audience is there to learn not only from your expert speakers but each other, a case study task or a Q&A expert panel session, is not only a great way to learn but also a great icebreaker. In your pre-planning phase speak to your AV or hotel contact and ensure there is a solution in place for any technical mishaps.

Make sure you keep the experience alive…

  • Stay positive and calm – the last thing that your client or audience needs to see is a stressed-out you, who is not in control.
  • Be proactive and solution-focused. Agreeing a plan of execution with your onsite teams in advance is a must, this minimises disruption, eliminates the sense of panic and keeps the team focused and in charge of the situation.
  • Communicate – during times of change, communication is crucial. Knowing what information each stakeholder needs and when to get it is also important. Keep it brief and simple.
  • Exercise agility – adapt, reconfigure and continue as though it was meant to be.
  • Control what you can and adapt and overcome what may come your way. Above all, stay compliant!